Monday, November 24, 2008

Hello!...Bored...I want Floorball Training!!!...

Last Friday

Bored and nth happen

Last Saturday

Bored and nth happen


Bored and nth happen


*Meet Jaypal and give glove

After that

Bored and nth happen

Btw,even if something happen,i also forgot liao...and thank you Alvin Ho and Kok Boon for pulling me to the Jurong interchange...i owe you guys!!...^.^


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

hallo...yesterday felt suddenly...and i dunno why...weird...raindrops never fall on my head during the past few days...all my family members not sicks...lolz...on that was to hot that i burnt up...but still same better cause i tell myself late night at about 12.40+am that i am strong...and blah blah really makes me feel better...maybe the mind is everything....well...still recovering but getting better every hour..i guess...

AND enjoy your holiday trip!...hehehe...and dun get me fired!...


Sunday, November 09, 2008


yo...whatsdown man....well...ok...last last week...i went to youtube
and saw this video by ryannarciso...all of his videos are cover songs...
you know wad is cover right?...well...if you guys dun know...i'll tell you...
(dumbz)...its the same lyrics but the way the song is being played if different...
the way the person sings is different...its like your own style of singing the song... the music box is one of the videos i loved...its by jonas brothers...and the song title is ETERNITY...there are tons of other songs that is very nice to hear!....

this friday...well...thought that it was a soccer tournament...but instead,it is a carnival that has soccer in it...and only can be played one game...boring...reached there at 4pm...our match suppose to be at 5.05pm but delayed a bit to around 5.20pm...before that went to raphael house with him,qianni,me,dexter, his brother terrorized the house...lolz...its fun...and raphael threw chewing gums at us like we are some kind of animal he is feeding...=.="...after that,play some card games and its was fun but not for someone...(cause she alwayz lose SHE).....
well...i went out with my parents today...and my tampines...its like damn far...but we used to stay there before i moved to commonwealth so we are very familiar with that the mum makes friends with other people second a stranger...and the next second is a friend...lolz...ate chicken chop....actually rite...its quite boring leh...i rather go to school and study than be at home...but during the school dayz...i feel like not going to school...i want to stay home...and now...its the other way round...weird...everything in life is weird...i guess so...hahas...i end here...going to black out already so bye!...hahas

Monday, November 03, 2008

Yo...the day of qian ni's birthday was the are some photos...lolz...

nth to blog liao!...bye

Saturday, November 01, 2008

BORED! i wish i know how to hold a gun so that i can kill myself!...lolz...

I dun know why but every songs i hear,there will be memories in it...if i hear a song which i heard before...i will have flashback of the past...its like the songs is making me remember the past...i feel better after the flashback...some songs i dun like because it reminds me of something bad in the past....if i heard songs which i dun like,i will get this tingling feeling inside of me...i feel very uncomfortable!...lolz...some songs i like it cause it bring back good memories of the really change me! plays a major role..i am always incomplete without them....i dun need games or GF or(well,you'll get the picture)=.=...and i hope when i grow up,i dun shut music out of my life....i dont want that to happen....

Name:Muhammad Hazim Bin A Rahman Age:14 Occupation:Student Nationality:Singaporean Sports:Floorball Hobbies:Tennis,Badminton,Floorball Friends:A Lot! Handphone Number:You think i am so dumb to give you my number...hahas School:BMSS

Music Box!



